The Morning Star Foundation has renewed their partnership with the DHC by providing a second grant of $10,000 for nature education programs in 2020. Funding from the Foundation supports events like Kids in the Hills and the Halloween Hike (pictured above) which focus on nature education and children.
The Halloween Hike, which was an education-focused, fall-themed series of guided nature walks, was one of DHC’s most popular nature walks so far, drawing a crowd of over 200 participants who had fun while learning about nature.
According to their website, the Morning Star Foundation supports nonprofits that offer children “the chance to experience the adventure of the great outdoors.”
As the DHC continues to grow, events like the Halloween Hike and Kids in the Hills have become increasingly popular, representing a growing need for funding. The DHC is grateful to the Morning Star Foundation for renewing their partnership through 2020.
For more information, about the Morning Star Foundation, visit their website at www.morningstar-foundation.org.
For information on how your organization can partner with the DHC, contact Jeff Lambert at (509) 598-0003.