Tom Delanoy and Allen "A.T." Miller Join DHC Board of Directors in 2020

The Dishman Hills Conservancy h(DHC) has elected its Board of Directors for 2020. Tom Delanoy, President and Founder of Ride 509, a local outdoor recreation and apparel company, and Allen “A.T.” Miller, an environmental and land use attorney with Lukins & Annis, are newcomers to the DHC Board.

Tom and Allen join current Board Members Chris Kopczynski, President, world-renowned mountain climber, and owner of Kop Construction; Phil Santinoceto, Vice President, data scientist, and owner of Morphologic, Inc.; David Duba, M.D., physician and ecologist; Rick Severn, educator and naturalist; Mary Weathers, Ph.D., psychologist; and Art Zack, Ph.D., forest ecologist, who were re-elected to the Board in 2020.

Also serving on the Board are Jim Harless, Treasurer, CPA with Schoedel & Schoedel CPA; Jon Isacoff, Secretary, professor (Gonzaga University); Suzy Dix, Realtor; Guy Gifford, Washington Dept. of Natural Resources; Michael Hamilton, geologist & President Emeritus; and Rob Hawley, associate VP and financial advisor (RBC Wealth Management).

For more information about the Dishman Hills Conservancy Board, or to ask questions about how you can get involved, contact Jeff Lambert, Executive Director, at (509) 999-5100 or by email at