We all love our furry friends, and the Dishman Hills is a great place for you and them to get outside. Take a picture of your dog or pet on a leash in the Dishman Hills and send it to us! Submit your photos by emailing it to our Outreach Director at isobel@dishmanhills.org, tagging us on Facebook with @DishmanHillsConservancy, tagging us on Instagram with @DishmanHills, or by sending us a direct message! We will feature the best (and cutest!) photos on our social media. For more information about the dogs-on-a-leash rule in Spokane County see https://www.spokanecounty.org/590/Pet-Laws
Grab your binoculars and go birding in the Dishman Hills. What kind of birds could you spot? How many? Use the resources posted on our website at (link) to identify them. Send us your final count and your best birding picture for a chance to be featured on our social media pages and website!
Submit your photos by tagging us @DishmanHillsConservancy (Facebook), @DishmanHills (Instagram), sending us a direct message, or by emailing it to our Outreach Director at Isobel@DishmanHills.org. Check back on Sunday to see all the entries!
For help identifying birds in the field, download this mobile app from the Cornell Lab or Ornithology: https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/
For Weekly Challenge #2, we asked our community to look for hearts in nature in celebration of the #WildHeartOfSpokane. Here are some of our favorite submissions from Diane Delanoy, Braedon Folsom, Lisa Giegel, Stephanie Hill, Genie Schmidt, George & Susan Stratman, Charly Wight, Notorius, and the Badasserys Hiking Team. Thanks to everyone who submitted photos! Hover your mouse over photos to read the captions or click to enlarge.
Bud – Lisa Giegel
Photo by Lisa Giegel
Notorious of @notoriousandfriends on Instagram
Arrowleaf Balsamroot – Photo by George & Susan Stratman
Broken Heart – Photo by Diane Delanoy
Hanging Heart – Photo by Braedon Folsom
Heart on the Trail – Photo by The Badasserys Hiking Team
Here are some of our favorite submissions from Weekly Challenge 1 - Flower Identification. Thank you to everyone who participated! These submissions are from Marie Anderson, Julie Finnigan, Lisa Giegel, Brad Sondahl, and George & Susan Stratman. Even though this challenge is over, it's never too late to post and share photos of flowers in your neighborhood. Hover over each image to view the captions, or click to enlarge. Enjoy!
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22nd, we are challenging you to go around your neighborhood, nearest park, or the Dishman Hills and pick up and properly dispose of any trash you see. You can simply walk around and pick up trash where you see it, or focus on a smaller area and clean it up. Every little bit helps!
This beautiful weather we’ve been experiencing recently has encouraged lots more people to get outside, but unfortunately, that also means that we are having a bigger impact on our natural areas. A big part of our mission at DHC is stewardship, and we want to encourage everyone to join us in that goal. Let’s be good stewards of the land and keep our neighborhoods and natural areas free of litter!
Post a picture of the cleaned area, a selfie, or a nature photo of where you cleaned and tag us with @DishmanHillsConservancy (Facebook), @DishmanHills (Instagram), or email it to elijah@dishmanhills.org. Your photos will be posted at the end of the week, so check back then!
The Dishman Hills is a geographic area surrounded on three sides by urban development, making it a gem of a natural area in the middle of Spokane and Spokane Valley. Show us your love for the #WildHeartofSpokane and find the best heart-shaped nature item you can (a rock, leaf, branch, etc), take a picture, and post it using the hashtag #wildheartofspokane
You can also send your photos to us by messaging us directly on Facebook or Instagram, or send it in an email to our Communications Director Elijah at elijah@dishmanhills.org. Make sure to include your full name and where you found the heart. At the end of the week, we will post your best pictures – check back on Sunday!
Just because we’re stuck at home doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! The Dishman Hills Conservancy is presenting a weekly challenge series that encourages people to get outside for fun activities while practicing social distancing. Every week, we will introduce a new challenge involving scavenger hunts, photo competitions, nature education activities, and much more! At the end of every week, we will announce a winner and feature their photo(s) on our social media pages. The DHC is at our core a community organization, and we hope to make this difficult time a little more fun and engaging for everyone.
Each new Weekly Challenge will be posted here every Monday morning. To enter, simply read and follow the instructions that are posted along with any supplemental materials attached to the post. Take photos along the way, and submit a picture of the completed challenge to us. You can submit photos by sending us a direct message on Facebook, tagging us in your Facebook or Instagram post with @DishmanHillsConservancy, or by emailing Elijah Johnson, Communications Director, at Elijah@DishmanHills.org. Each unique challenge might have slightly different rules for entering – check back here for updates!
Weekly Challenge #1: April 13, 2020 – “What Do You See?”
Identify 5 different types of flowers in your neighborhood. If you see it, you name it! Need help? Here are some links to resources that will help you identify different types of flowers: